Nebraska Meter Conference

Holiday Inn Kearney 110 2nd Ave, Kearney, NE, United States

About the school The Nebraska Meter Conference is sponsored annually by the League of Nebraska Municipalities Utilities Section in cooperation with the Nebraska Rural Electric Association. This year's conference features major manufacturers and local area electrical representatives. The school will consist of concurrent sessions for 1 1/2 days. The presentations will highlight software technologies, installation...

Southeastern Meter School & Conference

The Hotel at Auburn University 241 South College Street, Auburn, AL, United States

The Southeastern Meter School and Conference will be held at the Hotel at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. The school is sponsored by the Southeastern Meter Technical Association. It is held in cooperation with Utility Technology Association. The school provides a forum for electric utility meter personnel to discuss metering practices, procedures, new technologies, and...

DistribuTECH International 2025

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas 650 S. Griffin Street, Dallas, TX, United States

The place for utility transformation is at DTECH. Get ready for an electrifying conference program, where we unite industry thought leaders from across the globe who are progressing the industry forward. Together with utilities, government and solution providers, we deliver education on trending topics, designed to drive engagement and collaboration throughout and beyond the event....

EEI Spring Transmission, Distribution & Metering Conference

Hyatt Regency Phoenix 122 North Second Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States

EEI’s TDM&MA Conference brings together more than 600 operational leaders from EEI member companies, including vendors and key stakeholders, to focus on important policies and best practices that shape how the industry engineers, maintains, plans, and operates critical energy infrastructure and enhances emergency preparedness.