We service a wide variety of utility companies
From small co-ops and municipalities, to large investor-owned companies, to utility companies in other countries, our utility test equipment company strives to provide simple solutions to complex problems. Powermetrix offers not only a line of exceptional energy meter testing equipment, we also offer years of knowledge and experience in the utility industry. From our engineering staff to sales and support, Powermetrix continues to innovate and is determined to give our customers 100% satisfaction.
Our product line is designed to help our customers achieve their goals. Meter testing to regulatory requirements drives the design and functionality of our entire energy meter testing equipment line. The 3 Series is a one-of-a-kind test instrument that is not only highly accurate, but lightweight and easy-to-use. For more advanced metering situations, the 7 Series shines with its ability to upgrade its functionality, 3-phase voltage and current output, harmonic measurements, vector analysis, instrument transformer testing, and an outstanding 0.02% accuracy.
Contact Powermetrix, a premier utility test equipment company, today to see how we can help provide revenue protection, traceability, test support, and customer satisfaction to you and your clients.